How I Learned English with TV Shows and Turned It into a Lifelong Passion for Languages

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Language has always been the root of everything for me. It shapes how we think, connect, and grow. But my journey into the world of languages started in the most unconventional way. I didn’t sit in a classroom memorizing vocabulary lists; I learned English by watching TV shows. It was this unplanned, fun, and somewhat rebellious approach to language learning that sparked a passion in me, eventually leading me to where I am today—learning new languages, exploring different cultures, and building a business around this passion. So, let me take you back to where it all started.

The Unexpected Start: How TV Shows Became My English Classroom

I still remember being a high school student, sitting at my computer, clicking ‘play’ on yet another episode of “How I Met Your Mother.” It wasn’t exactly an academic pursuit; it was just something I loved doing. But here’s the catch: with every episode, I was unknowingly immersing myself in English. There were no textbooks, no grammar lessons—just conversations, humor, and a lot of real-life language that textbooks often miss.

The English classes in my technical high school were basic, to say the least, and frankly, most of us learned very little from them. But those TV shows? They became my real classroom. Slowly, I started picking up phrases, expressions, and even the cultural nuances that came with the language. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this unconventional method was building a strong foundation.

The Turning Point: Realizing the Power of Context in Language Learning

Watching TV shows taught me an important lesson early on: context is everything. I wasn’t just memorizing words; I was seeing how they were used in real-life situations. Characters on the screen weren’t saying, “This is a verb” or “That’s an adjective”; they were showing me how language worked in conversation, emotions, humor, and even conflict.

This realization changed my whole approach to learning. I started paying more attention to how words and phrases fit into everyday conversations. And guess what? It made learning so much easier and way more fun! Suddenly, English wasn’t just a subject to study—it was a living, breathing tool for communication.

Building on That Passion: Diving into Other Languages and Cultures

Learning English through TV shows was just the beginning. As I progressed, I developed a curiosity for other languages. When I got into one of Turkey’s top universities, I chose to study Slavic Languages and Literatures. I dived into Polish and Russian, navigating the world of new grammar rules, vocabulary, and cultural nuances.

But here’s the thing: my experience with learning English had already shaped my mindset. I approached Polish and Russian with the same idea that context is key. This approach made the process a lot less intimidating and a lot more practical. Although my Polish and Russian are a bit rusty nowadays, the lessons I learned from diving into those languages still guide how I approach learning today.

From Passion to Profession: How Language Learning Shaped My Career

During my university years, I started working as an English tutor. Teaching others helped me realize just how impactful unconventional learning methods could be. I taught my students to use movies, songs, and real-life conversations as their classrooms, and the results were incredible.

Fast forward to 2021, and I took this passion to a whole new level by founding Languagehood. Now, I help professionals master job-specific language skills, but the core belief remains the same: language is the foundation of everything we do. And it all started with a simple TV show.

Conclusion: Embrace the Unconventional

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from my story, it’s this: language learning doesn’t have to be rigid, boring, or confined to a classroom. It can be as simple as hitting ‘play’ on your favorite TV show and paying attention to how words come to life in context. Language is the root of everything, and once you start seeing it in your everyday life, you’ll be amazed at how naturally you start to learn and grow.

So, whether you’re starting your journey with a new language or brushing up on one you already know, don’t shy away from unconventional methods. Embrace them, have fun with them, and let language become a tool for mastering life.

Call to Action

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